
Having a bad software day? Relax. Nearly time for a holiday.

Using my Azure Credits

I have a professional subscription to Visual Studio which gives me some ‘free’ monthly credits and mates rates so I wanted to make some use of them. First I enabled the benefit in my Visual Studio Subscription which gives me about $50 a month credit. Next I used the Azure Portal that was created for…

Adding Microsoft.Extensions to .NET Framework Application.

I have seen some pretty nice code in the .NET Core/.NET 5.x github and one of the things that interests me most currently is the extendable framework code. All reasonably complex applications make use of supporting assemblies these days with dependency injection, logging, composition containers, configuration files, and complex command line processing being a few…

A little about me

I am a huge nerd. I have been involved with software since my late teens first working with assembler on tiny 6502 boards and now working on enterprise applications in all their various guises. My expertise, what little I have, is in Windows Deskop using C#/Net Framework but I also dabble in PowerShell and have…

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